Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Total Eclipse of the Sun

Total Eclipse of the Sun

I am a hunter-gatherer.
In my small band, we find what we need nearby.
This is a satisfactory lifestyle for the most part.
I have time to gossip and play with the kids.

A PBS documentary captured how we work together.
Although of small stature, we brought down an elephant.
All the hunters did not make it back,
But we shared the life-sustaining meat with everyone.

The beginning of the agricultural revolution was the end of contentment.
 We invented money, written language and laws to manage complex relationships.
Then came empires and governments. Some distrust our own inventions,
Fearful of the deep state pushing levers of power out of sight.

We were terrified by that first total eclipse of the sun in our primal African home.
But then, the sun reappeared. We thanked our gods for making nature whole again.
Today, science explains it all, as we put on our protective lenses.
Einstein was right: light bends as space-time warps.

Many millennia later, some of us feel an atavistic terror,
Not from the movement of celestial bodies, but actions of people in power.
Will the sun continue to shine on our liberal democracies?
Or will fascism’s dark clouds again threaten to blot out the sun?

Monday, August 14, 2017



The Holocaust never goes away.
Even the Deniers keep the horror alive.
My memories are as indelible
as the number tattooed on Fema’s arm.

Alabaster skin and platinum blond hair enthrall
a young girl as Fema styles my frizzy curls.
Leon trims my brother’s hair in the barbershop upfront.
Their daughter, a displaced person at birth, is my mirror.

I heed the command to heal the world,
but shy away from Friday night rituals.
When people question my Jewish identity,
I share my defining memory of Fema.
I know who I am.